Rust Foundation Solicits Feedback on Updated Policy for Trademarks

"Rust" and "Cargo" are registered trademarks held by the Rust Foundation — the independent non-profit supporting Rust's maintainers. In August 1,000 people responded to the foundation's Trademark Policy Review Survey, after which the foundation invited any interested individuals to join their Trademark Policy Working Group (which also included Rust Project leaders). They've now created a draft of an updated policy for feedbacks... Crate, RS, "Rustacean," and the logo of Ferris the crab are all available for use by anyone consistent with their definition, with no special permission required. Here's how the document's quick reference describes other common use-cases: Selling Goods — Unless explicitly approved, use of the Rust name or Logo is not allowed for the purposes of selling products/promotional goods for gain/profit, or for registering domain names. For example, it is not permitted to sell stickers of the Rust logo in an online shop for your personal profit. Showing Support of Rust — When showing your support of the Rust Project on a personal site or blog, you may use the Rust name or Logo, as long as you abide by all the requirements listed in the Policy. You may use the Rust name or Logo in social media handles, avatars, and emojis to demonstrate Rust Project support in a manner that is decorative, so long as you don't suggest commercial Rust affiliation. Inclusion of the Marks in Educational Materials — You may use the Rust name in book and article titles and the Logo in graphic components, so long as you make it clear that the Rust Project or Foundation has not reviewed/approved/endorsed your content. There's also a FAQ, answering questions like "Can I use the Rust logo as my Twitter Avatar?" The updated policy draft says "We consider social media avatars on personal accounts to be fair use. On the other hand, using Rust trademarks in corporate social media bios/profile pictures is prohibited.... In general, we prohibit the modification of the Rust logo for any purpose, except to scale it. This includes distortion, transparency, color-changes affiliated with for-profit brands or political ideologies. On the other hand, if you would like to change the colors of the Rust logo to communicate allegiance with a community movement, we simply ask that you run the proposed logo change by us..." And for swag at events using the Rust logo, "Merch developed for freebies/giveaways is normally fine, however you need approval to use the Rust Word and/or Logo to run a for-profit event. You are free to use Ferris the crab without permission... If your event is for-profit, you will need approval to use the Rust name or Logo. If you are simply covering costs and the event is non-profit, you may use the Rust name or Logo as long as it is clear that the event is not endorsed by the Rust Foundation. You are free to use Ferris the crab without permission."

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