Some flowers have learned to bounce back after injury Admin Tuesday, April 7, 2020 Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily, NEWS Edit Some flowers have a remarkable and previously unknown ability to bounce back after injury, according to a new study. from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Related Posts :Scientists reveal how proteins team up to repair DNAScientists have revealed an important mechanism in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks, according to new research. from Latest Science N… ...The physics that drives periodic economic downturnsA professor says that the way spilled milk spreads across the floor can explain why economic downturns regularly occur. Because the economic… ...Past your bedtime? Inconsistency may increase risk to cardiovascular healthResearchers found that individuals going to bed even 30 minutes later than their usual bedtime presented a significantly higher resting hear… ...Brain or muscles, what do we lose first?From the age of 50, there is a decline not just in physical activity but also in cognitive abilities since the two are correlated. But which… ...Elections: Early warning system to fight disinformation onlineA new project is an effort to combat the rise of coordinated social media campaigns to incite violence, sew discord and threaten the integri… ...
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