Sticky situation inside blood vessels can worsen stroke damage Admin Thursday, January 16, 2020 Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily, NEWS Edit A stroke appears to create a sticky situation inside the blood vessels of the brain that can worsen damage days, even months later, scientists report. from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Related Posts :Critical 'starbleed' vulnerability in FPGA chips identifiedField Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are flexibly programmable computer chips that are considered very secure components in many applicati… ...Importance of mitochondrial small proteins in energy productionA small mitochondrial protein is necessary for energy production and its malfunction could be behind a range of degenerative diseases, accor… ...How exercise supports your mental fitness: Current recommendationsSporting activities can bring about a long-term improvement in cognitive performance across all age groups. However, the effects differ betw… ...New clues to predict the risks astronauts will face from space radiation on long missionsResearchers used a novel approach to test assumptions in a model used by NASA to predict health risks for astronauts. from Latest Science N… ...New 'toolbox' for urological cancer detectionResearchers have developed a new method for biomarker discovery of urological cancers. The method enables timely diagnosis and treatment of … ...
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