A New Idea: Replacing Daylight Saving Time With 'Universal Solar Time'
Most clocks are handled automatically by computers, points out Tora (Slashdot reader #65,882). So in lieu of daylight saving time, "what about shifting time each month, rather than twice a year?" On Medium developer Brandon Gillespie offers the details of "Universal Solar Time." The clock is adjusted up by 10 minutes every month for the first six months, and then down by 10 minutes in the same manner, and can be offset by your timezone. The computerized systems can handle the time shift the same on the 1st...just like they currently do twice a year. The benefit of such an automated system is the day cycle stays perceptibly the same — the sun is up roughly at the same period each day for any given month. While there are many challenges to such a system, such as what to do with all of the analog clocks, the advantages of a system like this should give all of the positive benefits of Daylight Savings, without the negative impact on a person's day.

from Slashdot https://ift.tt/35Sx3hz
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from Slashdot https://ift.tt/35Sx3hz
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