As rare animals disappear, scientist faces 'ecological grief' Admin Friday, June 12, 2020 Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily, NEWS Edit Five years before the novel coronavirus ran rampant around the world, saiga antelopes from the steppes of Eurasia experienced their own epidemic. from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily Share on FacebookTweet on TwitterPlus on Google+ SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER Related Posts :Road verges could be havens for pollinatorsBetter-managed road verges can help boost pollinating insects, new research shows. from Latest Science News -- ScienceDaily… ...Study of natural gas flaring finds high risks to babiesResearchers have found that exposure to flaring -- the burning off of excess natural gas -- at oil and gas production sites is associated wi… ...Researchers 3D print a working heart pump with real human cellsIn a groundbreaking new study, researchers have 3D printed a functioning centimeter-scale human heart pump in the lab. The discovery could h… ...Early life stress is associated with youth-onset depression for some types of stress but not othersExamining the association between eight different types of early life stress (ELS) and youth-onset depression, a study reports that individu… ...Novel biomarker technology for cancer diagnosticsA new way of identifying cancer biomarkers has been developed. The new technology allows very sensitive, quick and cost-effective identifica… ...
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