Comet Swan Is Visible To the Naked Eye and Passing By Earth Tonight
Comet Swan could deliver on the promise of a rare night sky show that Comet Atlas failed to provide. "Already, Swan could be visible to those with exquisitely dark skies and sharp eyes," reports CNET. "Others might also be able to spot it with binoculars." From the report: Astronomer Con Stoitsis said some predictions show the comet continuing to brighten in the coming days. "It should be an 'obvious' naked eye target in mid-May," he said on Twitter. The comet makes its closest pass by Earth on May 13 and comes nearest to the sun on May 27. There're a number of tools online -- TheSkyLive is a great place to start -- to help you find Comet Swan in the night sky. And, of course, the comet also has a Twitter account worth following.

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